The first installment of the Stuck Series. This is also my first ever published book.

Hi, I'm irel. Mostly known as Nerdyirel. Thanks for dropping by at my site!

My most successful book. IHT has now gained 54.6 Million reads in Wattpad as of 03/25/2021 and was made into a TV Movie under Wattpad Presents TV5.

I am honestly so grateful that Wattpad chosed me to be one of their best & brighest writers! Thank you Wattpad!

Forever grateful! Thank you Lord!

The first installment of My Only Duology.

Aside from writing, I also do vlogging. You can check my videos on youtube: Nerdyirel.

The first book of Soul Series. Also my first paranormal story.

"Life has no limitations, except the ones you make." So go for it. Make your dreams come true. I know you can do it! Fighting!